Wellhouse Environment Group

3 GoodGymers have supported Wellhouse Environment Group with 2 tasks.

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Working at Wellhouse

Saturday 21st September 2024 10:30am - 12:30pm

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HuddersfieldCommunity mission
Kati LawSaul Muldoon

Bank Job

Saturday 10th August

Written by Saul Muldoon

Kati Law and I did a bank job this morning. We helped Wellhouse Environment group clear brambles and nettles from a bank in the community garden. It was warm work and we got thoroughly prickled, spiked and stung, but as ever we did good and made a difference.

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HuddersfieldCommunity mission
Kati LawSaul Muldoon

Get Your Rocks Off!

Saturday 8th June

Written by Saul Muldoon

This morning we were shifting stones and removing rocks so the Wellhouse Enviroment Group could make a safe access to the village green. We did a bit of weeding too. Thanks to Kati Law and Ben Godfrey for their help.

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