North End Food Pantry

Affordable food for all

25 GoodGymers have supported North End Food Pantry with 14 tasks.

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Cutlery Collections

Friday 20th September 2024 6:15pm - 6:25pm

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
Holly WalkerDave MEllieFinnualaJaneJudy Knapp

A shower of smelly donations

Thursday 29th February

Written by Judy Knapp

Portsmouth GoodGymers gathered up unwanted Christmas smellies & added extra toiletries to their supermarket shop, and then took their donations to the North End Pantry.

The Pantry volunteers were grateful that they could add bathroom essentials to the food bank donations.

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
Holly Walker

2nd birthday celebrations at the Pantry

Thursday 20th April 2023

Written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)

Holly went along to the North End Pantry to help with their week long birthday celebrations serving tea coffee and cake to both users and volunteers. The Pantry provides an essential service for local people allowing them to access cupboard provisions at a subsidised price. This also helps to reduce food waste

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
Duncan AndersonHolly Walker

Pantry celebrations

Monday 17th April 2023

Written by Duncan Anderson

Holly and Duncan went along to the North End Pantry to help with their week long birthday celebrations serving tea coffee and cake to both users and volunteers. The Pantry provides an essential service for local people allowing them to access cupboard provisions at a subsidised price. This also helps to reduce food waste.

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PortsmouthGroup run
Jen StonehamKat BruceMaura ColeJo Kitching
Katie Carew-Robinson

Court(yard) in the act

Wednesday 10th August 2022

Written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)

Tonight's task was a relatively simple tidy and weed affair but did require some logical thinking. Luckily we had Kat's engineering brain / stone walling knowledge on hand.

Vicki gets an extra gold star for turning up with cold water straight from the fridge and some cups. What a hero!

We had to work around donated bikes (for incoming Ukrainian families), floor matting, chairs, a slide and lovely smells of spices from the pantry.

Vicki started off down the side alleyway and everyone else eventually ended up down there too except for Maura who was determined to try and get the weed roots up using a pair of scissors!

A good amount of team work meant that the courtyard and side alleyway are free from weeds and rubbish (for the moment!) & everything being stored outside is a bit more organised.

Good work GoodGym!

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
PippaJo KitchingKatie Carew-Robinson

Weed watch this race

Friday 30th July 2021

Written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)

It's the Olympics which means watching all the sports that you don't normally follow. This morning, that included our very own mini version with the snail and caterpillar racing in the yard at North End Baptist Church!

The weeds had started to take hold again and we were there to pull them up and make it a nicer / clearer place for the social groups to sit in.

Less than an hour passed before we had the place cleared and various snails, slugs and caterpillars encouraged to rehome themselves in the surrounding gardens.

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PortsmouthCommunity mission
Nick SavageRachel CutlerWilsonKatie Carew-Robinson

Team [white] Spirit

Saturday 15th May 2021

Written by Katie Carew-Robinson (she/her)

The final final coat of paint went onto the spindles, upstairs doors and skirting today.

Rachel discovered the joy of trying to park in North End and now totally understands why we walk and cycle everywhere!

Nick got to wield a screwdriver as well as a paint brush, returning door handles and fire extinguishers to their rightful places.

We celebrated Wilson's 101 with orange squash and hot water because we know how to party.

By the end of the task it smelt like we'd chosen other methods as we'd used lots of white spirit to clean the paint spots off the stairs.

Another afternoon, 4 more good deeds done!

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