junior parkrun - Colchester

Free weekly 2km run for kids

20 GoodGymers have supported junior parkrun - Colchester with 13 tasks.

Top supporters
Ella J
Ella J (She/her)
Louise (She/her)
Tav (he/him)

Upcoming sessions
Marshaling for Junior Park Run

Sunday 27th October 2024 8:40am - 9:20am

Marshaling for Junior Park Run

Sunday 15th December 2024 8:40am - 9:20am

Previous sessions
ColchesterCommunity mission
StuHelenElla JFrazerTavLouise

No dampening our enthusiasm.

Sunday 17th March

Written by Louise (She/her)

Depsite a forecast for heavy rain all morning, 8 GoodGymers (plus 4 young runners/assistants; thanks Bonnie, Ada, Ada and Leo) turned up smiling to support the Junior Park Run. The main team were extra grateful for our support today as at one point they were concerned they would have to cancel it due to many of their regular volunteers being involved in the Colchester Half Marathon. We successfully kept the 44 runners safe as they ran around the course, and I like to think we contributed significantly to their enjoyment of the event as we encouraged them on their way. 12 runners even beat their personal best today.

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ColchesterCommunity mission
Andy TyneStuHelenFrazerLouiseTavElla J

Oh baby it's cold outside!

Sunday 14th January

Written by Ella J (She/her)

A chilly morning in Colchester but lots of parkrun enthusiasm from the juniors who did a great job of running the 2km round Old Heath rec.

Lots of cheers and high fives from our GoodGym crew, including two babies in carriers - surely the youngest GoodGym volunteers yet?!

A special (nearly) birthday shout out to Andy and thanks for having us all for coffee and homemade biscuits!

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ColchesterCommunity mission
TavFrazerElla JLouise

Little legs smash out 2km

Sunday 13th August 2023

Written by Louise (She/her)

A bright morning for Junior Parkrun completing a weekend Community Mission double header.

There was determination, smiles, tears and that was just the parents!

See you all Wednesday!

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ColchesterCommunity mission
FrazerTavPhil HitchinsHelenElla JLouise

Running fun in the sun

Sunday 11th June 2023

Written by Louise (She/her)

7 GoodGymers marshalled the 2km timed run for under 14s at Old Heath Rec. Congratulations to Em for reaching her 10th Good deed!

The coordinators were very grateful that we were there as with other running events happening on a sunny weekend they were worried their regular volunteers wouldn't be able to make it.

As always the youngsters and their parents were appreciative of all the encouragement and cheering we gave out, while also keeping everyone safe and making it a successful event.

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ColchesterCommunity mission
GraceFrazerPhil HitchinsLouiseAndy TyneTavElla J

If you go down to the Rec today you’re in a for a kid surprise!

Sunday 5th February 2023

Written by Ella J (She/her)

A chilly but beautifully bright morning saw 102 junior parkrunners do an epic job in running 2km at Old Heath Rec.

Thanks to all our volunteers, as usual, for providing sporting good cheer and high fives of encouragement. There were lots of smiling young faces and proud parents!

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