Grounded Community

Community Garden

21 GoodGymers have supported Grounded Community with 10 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Painting Grounded Community's Pantry

Monday 23rd September 2024 9:00am - 10:45am

Paniting Grounded Community Pantry Day 2

Tuesday 24th September 2024 9:00am - 10:45am

Painting Grounded Community's Pantry Day 3

Wednesday 25th September 2024 9:00am - 10:45am

Painting the Pantry Day4

Thursday 26th September 2024 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Previous sessions
BournemouthCommunity mission
Keith Baker

Helping the good people of estate to grow food

Friday 13th May 2022

Written by Keith Baker

Very well organised, with great multi group teamwork to help place raised food and vegetable beds in people's gardens to empower them to grow their own produce. Great sense that people in the estate felt the team was supporting them to use their garden more easily by raising the work areas. At the end of the day everybody was energised as they had really made a difference.

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BournemouthGroup run
John SargeantHannahDaryl Venner

Digging For Victory

Wednesday 16th March 2022

Written by Daryl Venner

Hannah,John and Daryl meet Jono at the secret garden which is in St Clements church grounds,they have done so much since we where last there plus they have just been awarded funding for the next five years which is brilliant news We collected the tools we needed and headed off to Churchill Gardens where they had a big mound of compost delivered we had to move the compost to the raised beds they had in the gardens.In these raised beds they grow veg for the local residents in the area to come and pick as they want. We soon got to work and by the time was up we had shifted over half the mound they where so pleased with our work which was a great help for them. It was nice to see Hannah again dont leave it so long next time .Congratulions to Daryl on reaching the magic number 300 tasks . Next week we are at Northey road i hope to se you all next week.

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BournemouthCommunity mission
John SargeantCaprice McWilliams
Daryl VennerSarah

Rocket Gym

Thursday 24th June 2021

Written by Bournemouth runner

6 of us met at the top of the ramp to the Sovereign Center in Boscombe yesterday evening ready to to tackle the Rocket!

I thought we were going to be shifting a few compost bins but it turns out we only had to shift Mammoth one though! The Rocket is a brilliant bit of kit. It is going to process up to 0.7 tonnes of food waste a week. It will help with the food waste from the Boscombe market which is a stone throw away. Grounded Community will use this food waste to make compost and then give this back to the local area, and help those who will be growing their own veggies at home. Creating a more sustainable community of growing food and helping stop food waste.

The Rocket is huge and it took all 9 of us to get it out of it's storage lock up and out into it's new home under a newly built roof. With lots of shifting and pulling to and throw we managed to get it in the right place. Thanks to John and his pallet trolley skills we made quick work of getting it turned around in a tight space.

With that part done we also then tackled two huge bags of woodchip and put those in place, ready to be added to the food waste to make an amazing, organic blend of compost goodness.

With the task complete and Michael very grateful for our help we set off into the sunset...well...down the off ramp from the Sovereign Center and into the mean streets of Boscombe...

Special mention to John for cycling all the way there, as well as Sarah for doing a mini duathlon of cycling and then running the last bit, Marianne and Caprice for walking from home and Daryl for driving and then walking to the task!

Next week we are at Bishop Aldhelm's helping out one of our favourite people, Paul! That will be on Wednesday 6-7pm.

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BournemouthCommunity mission
John SargeantDaryl VennerHannahJanet BeauchampLaura

Staying Grounded

Saturday 17th April 2021

Written by Bournemouth runner

What a way to start a Sunday morning!!

13 of us in total got together with Michael and Jono from Grounded Community to help them make some progress in the Secret Garden 2 plot.

In glorious sunshine we split off into different teams. One team headed off and started to flatten a plot and prepare the are for the installation of a polytunnel. Lots of shoveling and removing a top layer to allow for it to be evened out and then the posts to be put into place.

Another team on the other side had to dismantle three raised flower beds to make room for a row of composter bins made up of discarded pallets...

Another team also tidied up a corner of rotting wood and moved it outside the plot to free up some space.

With 2 hours to play with we had lots of time and the chance to really make some serious progress, compared to when we could only stay for 40mins on groups runs!

As you'll see from the amazing photos we had a lot of fun and managed to so a lot of good!! And we still had the whole weekend ahead of too!!

We're out again this week, this time Thursday evening for a litter pick at Meyrick Park!

Come and join us!!

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BournemouthGroup run
Amber MooreVicky GrubbJanet BeauchampDaryl VennerLaura

Bamboo Burn

Wednesday 19th January 2022

Written by Bournemouth runner

Our group run this evening took us to somewhere new, to help a charity new to us.

Safe and Sound ( is a charity that looks to support vulnerable women in our community by offering many different types of support and allowing them to express and explore through their creative side.

Laura, Amber, Chris and I met up at Kings Park to run the 3.4km to meet Dot at Meyrick Park. Vicky ran loops around Winton before meeting us at the task and Hannah managed to sneak away from her little boy to come and add some extra muscle!

We met Dot and she told us about her charity and what they had planned. Her friend lives in some lovely flats and they were getting rid of lots of bamboo...rather than waste it Dot wanted to use it for the charity's new cafe and shop.

Michael from Grounded Community had put us in touch and told Dot we would get the job done...and we weren't going to let anyone down!

With tools in hand we soon decided that focusing on one big pot would be better. Vicky got stuck in and powered through many layers of roots...for those of you that haven't dealt with bamboo before....well it's not very nice...the roots are so tangled and strong that for anyone other than GoodGym Bournemouth it would be a nightmare to split up and pull out...

Well, it took mainly girl power this evening. Chris and I took a step back when we saw the ladies meant business. Gradually chipping away we managed to pull out lots of the shoots and repot them, ready for them to then go in Dot's van.

After about an hour and with Dot happy she had enough bamboo, we tidied up the area so the residents wouldn't get annoyed and jetted off home again talking about our plans for dinner! Making us run back much quicker!

Next week's run is happening but trying to finalise details. It will most likely be on Tuesday though as it's my Birthday on the Wednesday!!

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BournemouthGroup run
Keith Baker
Daryl VennerHannahJanet Beauchamp

Barrows of Laughs

Wednesday 6th October 2021

Written by Bournemouth runner

Yesterday evening 6 of us met up to help out Grounded Community with a bit of wheelbarrowing and sorting.

For Keith and Lea it was their first taste of helping out this charity and so they weren't sure where Secret Garden 2 was and without having been there before, it's very secret indeed.

Janet timed her arrival to perfection, as she helped Michael bring the big wheelbarrow over from SG 1 in the van.

We started by tidying up the area a little. Sorting out the junk from what may still prove useful. Wood to one area, bottles to another and sorting through crates and plant pots.

Then when the wheelbarrows arrived we started on the main task of filling the barrows and wheeling them to Secret Garden 1 a couple of roads over.

What a core workout that turned out to be! Daryl and Janet were part of the inaugural trip and used their knowledge to guide us through the subsequent ones.

We were using the compost from the bins that we had built up over a year ago and it was great to see that the soil was in great shape and ready to be used for planting at the original plot.

After an hour we had almost filled the other soil bay and the job was complete.

With the darkness creeping in we said our goodbyes and split off in different directions hoping to meet again next week!

Well done everyone!

Special thanks to Janet for coming up with the report title TWO weeks in a row!! Hannah, Daryl and Janet for helping to snap the best shots possible.

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