Carriers of Hope

59 GoodGymers have supported Carriers of Hope with 27 tasks.

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Upcoming sessions
Sorting items in the warehouse for Carriers of Hope

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 6:15pm - 8:00pm

Previous sessions
CoventryCommunity mission
Lucy BirdJackie Dines

Spring stuff

Tuesday 10th September

Written by Jackie Dines

Lucy and Jackie from good gym joined an army of volunteers sorting through the hundreds of items left by students finishing their studies at Warwick Uni . They quickly set to work sorting stuff into clothes, bedding, electrical Kitchen etc . These will all be shared out to those in need either in the Uni or the wider community . A good mornings sorting ensuring that these items don’t end up in landfill !

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CoventryGroup run
Georgia KnightsJamesMICHELLE-VICTORY MCHiKOMABose OlajideChris MarrowLaura Denham

Put-tin in the miles

Tuesday 2nd July

Written by Laura Denham

11 Goodgymers strutted there stuff to Carriers of Hope last night, with a mixture of walkers, making their own way there and runners joining the group run.

A big welcome to new recruits; Va, Chris,Michelle Victoryand Bose! Kudos on popping your GoodGym cherry and rocking those snazzy new red t-shirts Bose and Michelle!

The group runners clocked a solid 9km during their jaunt, Chris and Vani you did amazing and thanks to Laura for back marking.

7 of the gang rolled up to Carriers of Hope by 6.15pm, while the rest of us sweat it out on the run. The runners eventually arrived at 7pm, just as the early birds were knee deep in a marathon of checking expiry dates and organising dried food donations into crates including tins,cans, sauces, pasta, you name it.

After a lightning fast 20 minutes the runners went full speed ahead back to CRCB. Meanwhile the rest of the crew kept the food sorting momentum going strong, well done team! Great to see you all, thank you for your hard work.

Next week is a new task at Earlsdon Primary School allotments so hope to see some of you there!

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CoventryGroup run
Dale Vernon
JamesGeorgia KnightsJillLaura Denham

Nappy 'n' natter

Tuesday 4th June

Written by Laura Denham

7 mighty GoodGymers arrived at the Carriers of Hope warehouse ready for action.

James, Nigel and Laura tackled the task of sorting through big buckets of miscellaneous items into crates, with James showcasing his unique folding techniques and Nigel serving up a side dish of jokes to keep morale high.

Meanwhile Georgia, Lil and Chloe bundled nappies into different sizes which proved to be a nice task, perfect for a leisurely chat without requiring too much focus, with Chloe cleverly labeling their workspace Nappy 'n' natter.

Chloe and Dale sorted some Christmas decs into a big box then Dale was left to fight a tangled mess of Christmas lights which had been put on good and proper. With a bit of a a wrestle he conquered one half of the chaotic knot but couldn't face the other so Laura came to help out. Luckily with a second to spare we emerged triumphant!

Brilliant work everyone!

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CoventryGroup run
Susanne FoellmerJames
Georgia KnightsLaura Denham

Off to crate start!

Tuesday 7th May

Written by Laura Denham

5 GoodGymers helping out at Carriers of Hope this eve. We gathered at the warehouse and were quickly assigned tasks. Firstly we sorted large trolleys full of donations into organised crates. Then, we checked the tins for expiry dates , bagged toilet rolls, stacked nappies with elastic bands and assembled baby kits with all the essentials. The baby bags included some teddies from Blue Coates school with adorable handmade tags, warmly welcoming families to Coventry.

Great job team, we accomplished a lot tonight! Looking forward to hearing what you did with your ricotta cheese :)

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CoventryCommunity mission
Georgia KnightsNatasha Frazer
JillGraeme Papa Strumpf MulvaneyLaura Denham

Did we Go Banana's or Keep Calm and Carrot On?

Tuesday 2nd April

Written by Laura Denham

Tonight a squad of 10 Goodgymers made their way over to Carriers of hope, ready and raring to go. We welcomed Jill Ashley on her first good deed, it was great to meet you :)

Our first mission? Bagging up fruit and veg for tomorrows food hub. With the precision of a well oiled machine the team formed a production line, stuffing bags with a range of items such as peppers, bananas, carrots and potatoes. Maddie, Georgia, Jill, Nigel zipped through the line up with the efficiency of seasoned pro's.

James did a 'crate job' of sifting through the crates to locate the larger ones, which Tasha then swiftly filled with the fruit and veg bags. Greame was appointed as bog roll commander skillfully packing up a duo of loo rolls per bag, ready for people to pick up with their bag of goodness tomorrow.

Stuart stepped onto the scene and was handed the mission of organizing the camping gear, with help from James and Nigel, and Laura rescued an empty tent bag which she decided could be an ideal litter picker holder! (it worked a treat as well - perfect fit!)

Maddie also completed some office work while the rest of the veg production line cleared up.

After taking the scenic route aka getting lost, Joe sauntered in just in time for the tea break - well played Joe! ha! At least you know where it is for next time!

Everyone did a fantastic job, well done gang!

See you next week for more doing good and keeping fit Laura x

Nice one to Maddie and Nigel for puns - I couldn't decide so went with both!

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CoventryGroup run
Dale VernonSteve FrazerSharon FrazerBeverley MorganLaura PLaura Denham

We CAN do it!

Tuesday 5th March

Written by Laura Denham

Fantastic turn out for our visit to Carriers of Hope this evening, love it!

We welcomed Anna, Anirudh, Nidhi for their first session and good to see you back for more Stuart :) Also hats off to Sharon and Steve for joining us on their anniversary!

There was a lot to be done tonight, and with only a few volunteers these tasks would seem daunting. However, with 16 of us contributing and working together seamlessly we once again demonstrated that teamwork makes the dreamwork.

Anna, Anirudh, Nidhi, Sharon, Georgia and Steve ascended to the baby item haven, curating adorable baby care packages. Maddie and Beverley took charge at the toiletry station skillfully packaging delightful smellies and bathroom must-haves all set to bring a touch of comfort to those who need them. Natasha and Stuart showcased their masterful bagging skills, filling the trolly's with bags of toilet rolls. Meanwhile Laura James, Tom, Dale and Chloe engaged in the meticulous task of organising tin cans, flexing their mental muscles as they counted stock and ensured items were within the expiry date. Simultaneously, they efficiently transported items to the toiletry station as needed.

During our volunteering marathon we paused for a delightful break savouring jam on toast tea and biscuits which sweetened the experience.

Amazing work everyone you have all done such a fantastic job of helping to get the warehouse in order and making the regular volunteers daily work easier by preparing all these packages.

Next week we will be leafleting for Myton followed by a curry to celebrate GG Cov turning 5. If you haven't signed up please do so by Wednesday 6th March so I can book a table.

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