Bristol City Centre Business Improvement District - BID

Watering Wild Flowers on Marlborough Hill Steps
Improving our city centre

23 GoodGymers have supported Bristol City Centre Business Improvement District - BID with 15 tasks.

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Previous sessions
BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

Watering Wednesdays - last chance saloon

Wednesday 18th September

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

More watering watered, lots of leaves down - are the seasons changed enough yet?

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BristolCommunity mission
Amy GrantMelanie Young

Watered flowers

Wednesday 4th September

Written by Amy Grant

It was great.

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BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

A little water goes a long way

Wednesday 28th August

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

Wednesday watering got off to a slow start as a large quantity of flies were around the main water butt and a smell indicating someone had been using the area as their personal loo.

Not to be defeated, we made use of the less-well-supplied water butt and still have the plants a good drink to see them through another week, hoping that the human waste has been cleaned up by next week, and the rain has replenished the “other” water butt, too.

There was still time for a good natter over coffee and tea at Santiago’s.

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BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

Wednesday watering and wittering

Wednesday 21st August

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

It was great to be joined by Chris for his first GoodGym good deed withe wandering, watering and then wittering and sipping as we continued chatting over tea and coffee at the lovely Santiago's - same again next week?

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BristolCommunity mission
Melanie Young

Watering Wednesdays are back!

Wednesday 14th August

Written by Melanie Young (she/her)

With a bit of de ja vu, it was back to Marlborough Steps for year 3 of nurturing the plants in the beautifully painted renovated short cut to the Very Steep Hill, followed by a cuppa and more chat.

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BristolGroup run
DereckJason ThorneVaguelyNorthernDarren

(Marlborough) Steps... 5, 6, 7, 8!

Tuesday 21st November 2023

Written by VaguelyNorthernDarren

GoodGym Bristol welcomed two new members to the band this week - Dereck and Gareth joining the runners over to Marlborough Steps to shift a lot of pesky leaves into the new compost bin (which we didn't find until just after I had messaged Mel in Canada for its location! :-). Dereck jumped straight in to litter picking, before commenting on how little litter there is in Bristol (because we're so good at picking it all up!) Gareth was a leaf collecting machine and even though he's a member of Southville Running Club (our not-very-bitter-at-all rivals), we won't hold it against him and gope to see him on Tuesday Group Runs! Richard made a lovely leaf kebab, Jason chipped in with his usual surprise asides when you're not expecting him (nobody expects the Bristol inquisition!) whilst Frances decided the pun had to have something to do with the 90's chart toppers Steps, but i know less about steps than i know about that guy who was in that thing with what's her name! (that was the majority of the conversation in workout, post-run)

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