Bedford Fields

Community Forest Garden

147 GoodGymers have supported Bedford Fields with 31 tasks.

Top supporters

Upcoming sessions
Gardening at Bedford Fields

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Gardening at Bedford Fields

Wednesday 9th October 2024 6:00pm - 7:45pm

Previous sessions
LeedsGroup run
Kerry MauleKatie PresleyIrene FemeniaLeah ArchibaldBryonyLaura

Not all who wander are lost

Wednesday 18th September

Written by Laura

Tonight 10 GoodGymers ran up to Bedford Fields Community Garden to do a variety of tasks. Between us we emptied the van, tidied up the borders, cleared a path, weeded and litter picked the area! It was a whirlwind but we got a lot done in an hour and 10 minutes. We did however almost lose two members when Bryony & Shannen diligently litter picked on the paths above the garden...a moment of panic when we thought they'd got lost. Luckily they came back with 2 full bags of litter.

Well done everyone!

A big GoodGym welcome to Sana tonight on her first session and welcome back to Kerry, Lana & Irene.

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LeedsGroup run
Ben Etherington
JitheeshKatriona GoldmannHelen NoyesLaura

The paths have com-frey

Wednesday 11th September

Written by Helen Noyes

Eight GoodGymers headed to Bedford Fields tonight to meet up with Beth and tackle today's task. She quickly set us up with assorted implements (including a bread knife) to clear the overgrown Comfrey edging the paths. We also tackled the bindweed that has been strangling the fruit trees and bushes and thinned out the mint. The air became minty fresh and we all started to think about our dinners...Finally, Beth told us about the living piano that is to be installed in the garden....a future project, perhaps for GoodGym! Tonight the runners clocked up 5km to help Chloe reach her 100km in 3 weeks target.

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LeedsCommunity mission
Ikechukwu ChristianNat TLaura

EverySting Happens for a Reason

Sunday 4th August

Written by Laura

Today 3 GoodGymers headed to Bedford Fields Community Garden to help out their volunteers.

We weeded the front of the garden and pulled up many, many nettles and brambles. I think we all got nettled, pricked & I actually got my hair caught in a bramble at one point! Just a normal day in the life of a GoodGymer :)

Welcome to Nat who joined us for her first session today.

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LeedsGroup run
HaimishNaziaKatie PresleyHelen Noyes


Wednesday 17th July

Written by Laura

Tonight 11 GoodGymers ran up to Bedford Fields where we did a variety of tasks involving a pond, a couch and sticky weed!

One group created a larger mound for the edge of the new pond, some of the boys took great satisfaction in breaking up an old couch and some of us pruned and pulled up lots and lots of sticky weeds.

There were many nettle stings and a few crawling insects but Jubz did his obligatory pose with not only a spade but with sledge hammer too, so all is well with the world!

We welcomed Nazia to GoodGym tonight, we hope to see you again soon!!

We made a big impact in an hour so well done all!!

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LeedsCommunity mission
Katie Lees
HaimishLeah ArchibaldHelen NoyesLaura

Playing Gooseberry

Wednesday 12th June

Written by Laura

Digging trenches & picking gooseberries were the name of the game this evening.

9 of us ran up to Bedford Fields tonight, where we dug out a trench for some potting plants. We then finished up early so we could forage for some gooseberries in the garden. I'm going to attempt my very first crumble with them this weekend :)

It was lovely to welcome newcomer Haimish to GoodGym Leeds & to welcome back Riobhne after a long break. Great to see you both.

Good work team!

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LeedsCommunity mission
Kathryn MellorGeorge BridgeLaura

Coming out of our shells!

Sunday 2nd June

Written by Laura

A tortoise called McKenya was the star of the show today at Bedford Fields!! Volunteer Henry brought his pet to the gardens for a wander around & we took turns in having a hold. He was surprisingly strong for a little guy!

Welcome to newcomers Kathryn & George who joined me to do some weeding and mulching, so Bedford Fields could get ready for their permaculture fair next weekend.

The sun was out and it was a great session, well done everyone :)

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