All Saints Church

To encounter Christ in Word and Sacrament
Anglican church

24 GoodGymers have supported All Saints Church with 5 tasks.

Top supporters
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Windsor and Maidenhead runner
Diya Singh
Diya Singh (she/her)

Upcoming sessions
Remove ivy and bindweed from churchyard fences

Wednesday 2nd October 2024 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Previous sessions
Windsor and MaidenheadCommunity mission
Anita Singh
Elliott Lack


Wednesday 6th April 2022

Written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

The paths in All Saints Churchyard have become completely overgrown and hidden from view under a carpet of grass. This was our third visit to try to regain the path definition. After Roger had opened up the shed, we selected the best tools and set to work removing the grass and weeds. The early morning's rain had softened the ground, but luckily stayed away for our session despite the forecast. Having five GoodGymers on the job was brilliant; we more than surpassed the target I had set for ourselves, and with 15 mins to go, we upped the tempo, determined to reach the point where the path forked. Target reached! We had collected several barrowloads of moss and grass which were deposited onto the compost heap. Well done to Anita, Elliott, Juli, Sheila and Steve for making such a difference and for being such good company

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Windsor and MaidenheadCommunity mission
Anita Singh

Leading GoodGymers up the Garden Path

Monday 28th March 2022

Written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Anita and Sheila made a return visit to All Saints Churchyard to continue working on clearing the path edges of weeds, and were joined this week by Steve. No one from the church was available to open up the tool shed, so we were limited to the equipment that Sheila had brought with her. Sheila used the weeder to cut through the encroaching grass whilst Anita used the hoe to reveal the stone edges of the path. Meanwhile, Steve collected up fallen twigs and branches and piled them up ready for collection. We made really good progress and revealed some lengths of the path that haven't seen the light of day for a while. There is more to do, and we woud be happy to make a return visit

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Windsor and MaidenheadCommunity mission
Anita SinghAlice Searle

Branching Out

Monday 21st March 2022

Written by Windsor and Maidenhead runner

Storms Eunice and Franklin had made a bit of a mess of the churchyard at All Saints, bringing down lots of branches in the wind. Juli, Alice and Sheila took on the task of clearing the debris, and piling the branches by the gate to be collected by the local council. We welcomed the help of some passers by and before we knew it, we had amassed a huge heap. Anita got busy with a hoe, clearing the edge of the path from the encroaching grass and weeds, and was later joined by Juli. It's a very long path, so we were unable to complete this task - we will have to make a return visit. It was lovely to be out in the spring sunshine and the churchyard looked really pretty with daffodils, primroses and violets all on show. The churchyard now looks a lot tidier - well done everyone!

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Windsor and MaidenheadGroup run
Jess Smith
Jo BarnettHannah BoltonAmy L

Group Runs are back....with added sprinkles!

Wednesday 21st July 2021

Written by Amy L (she/her)

What a great evening! This was our 4th ever Group Run in Windsor and Maidenhead, a whole 497 days since our last one and definitely our first in a heat wave. Congratulations to the 10 glowing GoodGymers who came out and took part in this historical event, and a warm (baking hot in fact!) welcome to Claire, who joined us for the first time this evening. Do head over to her profile to support her and give her cheers. A special mention also to 'on-a-roll-Jen', who joined us from GoodGym Slough for her third good deed in as many days.

Get me to the church on time

We met up in Oaken Grove Park for a briefing and warm up (as if we could get any warmer!) Everyone promised not to do anything dangerous and we set off in two groups. Diya led the walkers straight down All Saints Avenue to All Saints Church, our beneficiary for the evening. Amy took the runners on a more circuitous 2km down (and up and down and up) Belmont Park Avenue. The walkers beat the runners to the church and were already busy sanding the dado rails in the parish hall by the time the runners arrived. Georgeta also met us at the church having cycled from home.

Dado see how quickly they painted those rails?

Georgeta, Roberta, Hannah, Kanika, Claire and Diya made rapid work of the dado rails, finishing them with a refreshing coat of white paint. They then tackled the doors, racing through a first coat before the church bells chimed 8 and time was up. Meanwhile Juli and Jess got into an energetic rhythm with the spade and hoe cutting back grass to create a straight edge on one of lawns and Jen and Amy pulled up more weeds and grass around the quadrangle. Jen also did a great job raking up lots of dried leaves in one corner.

All Saints Church is a fabulous historical building and it was great to be welcomed back by Father Jeremy and church historian Ken for our second session in this lovely local setting - the first being a community mission a few weeks ago.

Can't leaf a job half finished!

The large tree in the quadrangle was in bloom and it made a picturesque centrepiece for our post-task fitness session. The whole group contributed with exercises ranging from squats to dancing and arabesques. Our 'timer' for each exercise was one team member gathering 5 handfuls of leaves into a bag , taking turns to help finish the job Jen started earlier.

Would you like sprinkles with that?

By this point we had all worked up a sweat, so we decided to add a sprinkling of fun. Thanks to GoodGym member James, who set up a sprinkler en route back to Oaken Grove. Like a bunch of big kids we all ran through the refreshing spray squealing and then carried on back to Oaken Grove feeling refreshed. The park looked beautiful in the setting sun and we enjoyed some stretches to finish. Do check out the photos for 'Ninja Jess''s recommended facial expression for balancing during a standing glute stretch...! Goodbyes were a bit reluctant as it was such a lovely evening to be out, but thankfully there is lots more fun to be had on upcoming sessions.

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Windsor and MaidenheadCommunity mission
Diya Singh
TessaAmy L

GoodGym out in a-Boyne-dance!

Wednesday 30th June 2021

Written by Amy L (she/her)

This evening's task was weeding in the quadrangle and painting in the parish hall at All Saints in Boyne Hill. And wow, what a turnout! This was our 444th community mission, so it is possible I'm not remembering all the details, but I'm pretty sure that never ever have we ever had this many people on an in-person community mission before! (No not that All Saints! Oh dear...)

A big GoodGym welcome to new members Nivi, Emma and Gylla. Yes the puns are always this terrible. Everyone please do click on their names to find their profiles and give them a big cheer on their first good deeds.

Thanks to Father Jeremy and All Saints Church historian Ken for giving us all a warm welcome and for arming us with lots of tools. This listed Victorian church is a lovely setting for a GoodGym session, particularly on a mild June evening, with the majestic tree in the centre of the quadrangle in full leaf.

Emma, Hannah, Nicola, Nivi, Gylla and Amy were team All Paints. Step one was sanding - a great arm work-out, if a bit noisy. Step two was a speedy wipe down, and step three a theraputic application of gloss. By the end the skirting boards looked satisfyingly pristine. We look forward to returning to give the remaining woodwork the same treatment.

Vicki, Louise, Kanika, Diya, Roberta, Tara, Michelle, Juli, Tessa, and Georgeta were the weed dream team, fanning out across the quadrangle and battling the weeds with great energy. The grass encroaching onto the tarmac from the central circle was particularly stubborn, but the team made great progress and pulled up an a-Boyne-dance of weeds.

As well as all this weeding and painting, we also managed a few more things this evening...

  • Georgeta taught Tara how to speak to weeds in Romanian
  • We learnt about the famous architect George Edmund Street, who designed this beautiful church in 1857. The tiled floor is currently undergoing a huge refurbishment project, so the church is closed, but some of us got a peek inside.
  • We learnt about Nic's pet rat George (an intelligent chap, but easily distracted by food....aren't we all George!?)
  • Green-fingered Juli ran 4km carrying a caddy of gardening tools
  • Amy, Nivi and Gylla found common ground reminiscing about working in the toy industry
  • Michelle found a secret strawberry farm
  • Tara got her documents checked by Amy, so she is now on the road to becoming 'mission verified' - whoop whoop!
  • Vicki took delivery of a bag full of plastic bottle tops to use in crafts at her pre-school
  • Diya mastered (invented?) the three different ways to use a hoe. Can we call it the hoe-ly trinity?

So all in all a very productive evening. Well done everyone! We hope to return to help at All Saints again soon.

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