When a race doesn't go to plan

Rebecca's experience at the Monsal Trail 10k with GoodGym

April 24, 2019


Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email getinvolved@goodgym.org and we'll be in touch.

This month we are asking runners to tell us their stories on how they are going further. Rebecca Clarke, a runner at GoodGym Hackney, ran the Monsal trail race last month. Here she tells us how it went.

This March I ran my first race with the GoodGym race team. Although i've been running since 2016 and have completed my fair share of races, this one was my most difficult yet.

I'd been training hard for the race by running regularly once a week to see my coach, and then up to three times a week outside of this at lunchtimes with the GoodGym central team and longer runs at the weekends.

When I started the race I found myself running with a group of fellow GoodGym runners who I had never met before. We decided to stay together to encourage each other on until the finish line. It's weird how I felt an instant connection with these people although i'd only just met them on the ground. We were united by GoodGym - in the pursual of getting fit and doing good.

The other runners I met on the trail.

We kept at a chatty pace until the 3km marker enjoying the nice weather and flat trail. Then out of nowhere, I began to feel sick. I encouraged my new friends to run ahead without me so they could try and beat PB's, but Emma, a runner from Lambeth who i'd only met five minutes prior, insisted on staying with me.

I was ill and faint at the 3km marker then again at the 7km. My primary aim to beat my PB and months of training well and truly out of the window, I felt horrible but was determined to finish the race no matter what. Emma stopped every time I had to to make sure I was ok and to encourage me right until the 10 kilometre marker.

The team at the finish line of the race.

Emma began running with GoodGym Lambeth in November 2015. Originally she didn't intend to run the race and just came along to support, but after seeing the terrain and the weather, she decided to take part.

"I wasn’t going to run at Monsal. I haven’t felt very motivated recently but when I saw how flat the run was and what lovely weather it was I talked myself into it. I’m glad I did as running with Becki helped us both and helped me reconnect with the spirit of GoodGym and what a supportive community of runners it is."

Emma (left) and Becki (right) at the finish line of the race.

We crossed the finish line together in 1 hour 17 minutes, a good 25 minutes after my normal race time, but I felt very proud to do that with Emma and with another 40 GoodGym runners at the finish line cheering us on.

GoodGym enables you to meet wonderful people from all walks of life no matter on your abilities or how long you may have known them. My feelings on running have changed since the Monsal race, and I believe a sense of community spirit and the people you meet along the way are a far bigger achievement than a PB.

Get involved:

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email getinvolved@goodgym.org and we'll be in touch.
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