Meet our new trainer in Warwick and Leamington Spa, Rebecca

Running for joy

October 10, 2019


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Rebecca started running for the same reason lots of people first dip their toe in, to fundraise for charity, but it wasn't long before she was truly bitten by the bug.

"I wanted to raise money for a local hospital that was treating my friend so I decided to run a marathon dressed as a unicorn, as you do. I knew nothing about running beforehand and the furthest I'd done when signing up was run from one lamp post to another. I loved the day even with the pain and tears, within 2 years I'd completed another 6 marathons, an ultra and started triathlons."

And since then dressing up on runs has become a bit of a trait for Rebecca.

"I've been known to run as a parrot, a guide dog, a sprout for a Christmas run, Princess Anna from frozen in the sweltering heat of Spain (bad planning although it was December) and wonderwoman several times!"

Rebecca dressed as wonderwoman

As well as running for charity Rebecca has helped set up local running programmes to get people started on their fitness journeys.

"I set up a local 5k Your Way to offer people affected by cancer the chance to join in parkrun once a month with the opportunity to chat along the way".

Rebecca dressed as a guide dog supporting her mum through a race

Warwick and Leamington Spa has many green areas and parks as well as the canal that joins both towns. Rebecca is looking forward to leading the group around some of these wonderful places on the weekly group run.

"I love running down the canal as you see so much wildlife and as the season changes you get to see the baby swans and ducks grow up!"

Rebecca loves running in green spaces

One of Rebecca's biggest influences is Rosie Swale Pope, who ran round the world after her husband died to raise money for charity. One day Rebecca has her sights on doing something similar saying, "I'd love to do something so amazing!".

Having been quite unwell in the past, Rebecca says exercise has been a huge motivation to stay well and has helped her escape being bedridden.

"That's enough to motivate me to keep going... And medals.. I do love a bit of bling!"

Rebecca as wonderwoman with her bling

Running is a real joy

Rebecca can't wait to share her love on running with GoodGym members in the area and it sounds like her sessions are going to be pretty fun!

"I love having fun, for me running is a real joy and I'd love to share it. I like to laugh loudly and I have tons of running sayings to share - winter miles, summer smiles."

"Having seen the impact of GoodGym in Norwich whilst I lived there I was really excited to hear it was coming to Warwick and Leamington Spa. I can't wait to have a sea of red t-shirts moving through the area to do some good. Warwick and Leamington Spa has so many amazing community groups doing brilliant work and it will be great to combine this with getting people active in the area."

Get involved:

-Get involved in GoodGym Warwick & Leamington Spa

-Support Rebecca here

-Follow GoodGym Warwick & Leamington Spa on Twitter @GoodGymWLS

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email and we'll be in touch.
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