GoodGym Digital Shindig 2020 - Save the Date

Register your interest for our annual get-together

February 12, 2020

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email and we'll be in touch.

Every year GoodGym members get together for a weekend to celebrate our achievements and plan for the future. This year we're moving it online

You can join the shindig from the comfort of your own home. There will be various social events, fitness sessions and discussions happening on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th August

Register your interest here by Thursday 23rd July

Shindig is a weekend of finding out how GoodGym works whilst inputting your own ideas on how we could improve. We invite everyone involved from all 58 areas to be part of this fun event. You will get to socialise with other GoodGym members from different areas as well feedback on your own experiences.

Last year close to 100 people attended Shindig to find out more about the future of GoodGym. We shared stories, discussed our goals and aims, did bit of running and a lot of socialising.

What to expect: This year Shindig is going online. There will be two days of discussions, updates and workshops about how we can make GoodGym as good as it can be. It's organised and facilitated by the GoodGym community. If there's anything you'd like to discuss or improve it's a great way to do so.


Friday 7th August, 7-9pm: online social event. Think drinks, laughter and general chit-chat.

Saturday 8th August, AM: virtual running and fitness. Each year at shindig we like to start Saturday morning with a bit of running and fitness.

Saturday 8th August, 2-6pm: discussion sessions led by GoodGym members and joined via video-conferencing.

Who's it for? The Shindig is for everyone who wants to be involved in making GoodGym as good as it can be. Whether you've done one run or 500 you're welcome, new runners' voices are important. GoodGym is friendly and welcoming so don't worry if you don't know anyone else taking part.

GoodGym Shindig aims to:

  • Give all members a chance to have input into our future direction
  • Learn from each other; swapping stories and sharing insight
  • Celebrate everything we’ve achieved over the last year

The event will consist of:

  • Information sessions about GoodGym
  • Discussion sessions (topics to be decided from suggestions via google form below)
  • Organised runs, fitness sessions and activities to be completed from home
  • Social events and lots of fun

The road to Shindig

You must register your interest before Thursday 23rd July

To register to be part of Shindig 2020, fill in the form here

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email and we'll be in touch.
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