Amazing Monday evenings

Sandra Spanton, manager of the RedMayne View carehome writes about what happens when GoodGym Norwich come to visit

October 08, 2019

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GoodGym Norwich have been visiting the Redmayne View Carehome on their runs over the last year. Sandra Spanton, the manager, writes about what happens when they turn up.

Back in June 2018 I was introduced to Steve Hitcham of the GoodGym runners, he told of the amazing work the runners did around Norwich. I was not sure if it would be possible for them to run as far as Redmayne View being five miles away from the starting point at the Forum.

This was no trouble for Steve and gang and our first visit from them was arranged for 16th of July 2018. What a wonderful group of people; we see anything from 15-30 runners and walkers.

We have even seen a maternity bump turn into a wonderful bouncing baby, as they live close by. Both mum and baby come along when the runners come into see everyone.

We have enjoyed some amazing Monday evenings with the GoodGym runners. They have redecorated a lounge for us, changing it from a ghastly yellow to a very pleasant cream colour. With some new furniture, it is now a welcoming modern room and a pleasure to use.

We have had a Christmas Carol evening with everyone in good voice and humour. One evening we got the games out, imagine the scene, 25 GoodGym runners and 28 tenants giggling with Buck-a-Roo, Carrot and Monkey games, Pop up Pirate and Frustration. The atmosphere was amazing and all washed down with Horlicks and shortbread.

A reminiscence evening provoked some incredible memories and stories from the past. Gardening and ice creams this July was a happy evening. We arranged for the ice cream van to come along. Our GoodGym folk ensured everyone had an ice cream, enjoyed one themselves and then set about the untidy weeds around the garden – bless - in the hour and a bit they were here, eight bags of weeds and rubbish were collected. One of our ladies had a wish on our ‘Wishing Tree’ for the ivy to be taken off a trellis near her flat. Our GoodGym made short work of this task much to the pleasure of our ladies.

After a GoodGym visit the tenants talk about their evening for days. It is so lovely to see every tenant getting very special one to one time from people who are genuinely interestedin their lives and well-being.

I am so glad that I have met Steve and the GoodGym runners, who have become a regular and very much looked forward to activity here at Redmayne. We have got to know some amazing people and through this it has given our tenants an opportunity to enjoy the friendship, fun and laughter the lovely GoodGym people bring with them.

I cannot thank them enough for their input and kindness making Redmayne a better place and bring smiles to everyone here.

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