A leap into the unknown: first runs

Thinking about going on your first group run? Then this is what you need to know

July 04, 2018

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email getinvolved@goodgym.org and we'll be in touch.

If you haven't run for a while, or you've never really run before, the idea of going on a run can feel like a world away. But we’ve all been there - whether it's worrying about being fit enough to run, or if it will be okay to turn up at a group run alone.

Here are some of the things that we were thinking about before we tried our first group run and what actually happened when we got there.

"I'm not that fit - does it matter?"

Toby decided to try a group run after receiving an email about the GoodGym Kingston launch from parkrun.

"To anyone who is worried about their fitness or lack of experience running, don't be. More experienced runners will stay with you, talk to you and make sure you're doing OK. We also have a back marker who will run slowly and walk if you need them to, to make sure everyone gets to where they're going.

My first run was the Kingston launch. We cracked on with weeding and ended by moving a shed to help a community allotment prepare the ground ready for people in the community to start growing fresh food again."

"I'm not a runner, but I'd like to get involved in my community"

Pauline wanted to start volunteering in her community, she'd never run before but was surprised by how much she enjoyed the Liverpool group run.

"Firstly, let me say that I have never considered myself to be a runner...but I had been looking for a way into running. The main thing that attracted me to GoodGym was the community element and volunteering and I loved the idea that I would be able to get out and see more of the city.

In that first session, I felt supported and spurred on by everyone in the group and our trainer Char was so enthusiastic and positive too. Enjoying the running element came as a pleasant surprise. Now I really look forward to our Monday evenings.”

"I'm going on my own, is that okay?"

Leo moved to Liverpool earlier this year. He tried a group run because he was looking for a fun way to meet new people.

"Lots of people come to a group run for the first time on their own, but you can always bring a friend too. I went on my own but everyone made me feel like part of the group instantly. The warmup is a good ice-breaker and getting stuck into a task makes it easy to strike up a conversation with anyone. We always have a laugh and take some fun photos.

I normally find running a bit boring, but I found my first task really fun and motivating. We split into two groups and had a competition to see who could deliver the most flyers. It was great fun getting to know the other members and I liked the team spirit and atmosphere. Once you start running, you soon find people who match your running pace as everyone’s at different levels."

Leap into the unknown - try a run

Every week people who haven't run before come along to try a group run. New runners are always welcome and we never leave anyone behind.

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email getinvolved@goodgym.org and we'll be in touch.
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