100,000 good deeds

On the 1st of August 2018 we logged our hundred-thousandth run to do good

August 01, 2018

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email getinvolved@goodgym.org and we'll be in touch.

Last night marked a massive milestone in our journey - we've completed 100,000 good deeds.

Since we started recording good deeds back in 2010 on our first run in Tower Hamlets we've come such a long way. We're now up and running in 44 areas - from Cardiff to Newcastle and in the process we've run 1,403,904km

Supporters including the Mayors of London and Bristol, the founder of parkrun and Davina McCall have send us messages of congratulations, encouragement and support.

Along the way we've turned our hand to everything from sorting food at food banks, to planting trees in community gardens, or helping renovate community spaces - all to support dedicated organisations, working hard to support communities across the UK.

We've run 1,403,904km

This total includes the visits that we've made to visit isolated older people - whether that's running to see them each week , or stopping off during our runs to help with something around the house to helping older people stay safe and continue to live independently in their homes.

Delia, an older person who is visited each week by her runner Nicky, said:
"Brilliant! We've reached 100,000. I'm delighted. If you're setting aside a bit of your time each week to volunteer in a group or as an individual, you're doing a wonderful thing in sharing your time. Keep it up!"

Out of those 100,000 good deeds, 13,240 of those visits have been to older people who are isolated or lonely.

13,240 of those runs have been to older people who are isolated or lonely.

Deputy Mayor for Social Integration, Social Mobility and Community Engagement, Matthew Ryder said: “Congratulations to everyone who volunteers with GoodGym on achieving 100,000 good deeds – it is an incredible milestone. Volunteering is a fantastic way of encouraging people to develop relationships with their fellow Londoners. It breaks down barriers, creates stronger, more united communities and, through GoodGym, helps keep Londoners healthy. Thank you to all GoodGym users for their fantastic efforts, and here’s to the next 100,000 good deeds.”

Davina McCall, Official Supporter of GoodGym, said:
"Oh my gosh GoodGym and all you amazing runners who have made it to 100,000 runs, you guys are amazing... [this] has made such a different to so many lovely elderly people's lives." See the video she sent here.

Suzy Christopher, BT charities and volunteering director, said:
“As an organisation, Goodgym is all about the positive impact of bringing people together and this is a fantastic milestone to have reached. BT would like to congratulate the entire GoodGym community for helping so many older people and community projects.”

Congratulations to everyone who's been part of helping us achieve this.

Ivo Gormley, founder of GoodGym said:
"Congratulations to everyone who's been part of making this happen. Huge thanks for the support of Nesta, the Big Lottery, New Balance, parkrun, BT and all of our Local Authority and referral partners. We couldn't have done this without you. "

Share your favourite good deed

Runners across the country have been sharing stories of memorable GoodGym runs with the hashtag #gg100k.

Share a few words on your favourite good deed on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter using the hashtag #gg100k.

Have your own GoodGym story to share with the community? Email getinvolved@goodgym.org and we'll be in touch.
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